Newbie baker here: What actually is the difference between baking soda and baking powder? As far as I know, both are used to get baked goods to rise (like yeast, but not a microorganism). Since the...
Baking powder is baking soda plus an acid (often tartaric acid, but citric and malic are probably also used in some products). They will start to react and produce CO2 as soon as you get the baking...
I recently made a peach cobbler following a recipe that called for equal parts of white sugar and brown sugar in both the fruit mix and the topping. This got me wondering about the functions of th...
While I enjoy asking questions and receiving answers to them, I miss a space to post (home-developed) recipes. I think that it would be a nice addition to not only be able to talk about the process...
Yes! I definitely want us to have some place to post "articles", including recipes, alongside Q&A! In addition to recipes, people might also want to write about techniques, specific cuisines, ...
Nothing you can do will go very far towards making spicy food less spicy. Don't try to cover the spiciness, instead dilute it with more of the base ingredients (e.g. add plain beans or tomatoes to ...
There are two considerations here. Firstly, on general principles, cooling food fast is good food safety practice. The less time the food spends in the "danger zone" between "cold enough to slow ba...
I've eaten pizza that has basil leaves as a topping, and the leaves come out bright green and tender. I used fresh basil from my garden on pizza for the first time today, and -- predictable, in re...
If you use fresh herbs as topping for any dish, these should be added after you have cooked or baked your meal. When cut, fresh herbs are very small and their internal structure consists of a lot o...
On the photography Codidact site, I saw a monthly photo contest with the topic sunsets and I thought why we couldn't add something similar here (with a similar timeframe or another timeframe entire...
Since you mention cutting them, I assume you're not asking about making whole baked potatoes in the air fryer. (I understand that's possible but I haven't done it.) Here's what I do. This gets m...
I have an air fryer and I really like cooking my food in it. With that said, I have struggled with potatoes. For now, I have only gotten store-bought pre-baked and frozen ones. I am not sure what I...
There are lots of varieties of potato that cover a large range of starch content, sweetness, flavors and textures. The type of potato used will be a bigger influence on the final dish than the way ...
The separated liquid is whey. Whey is slightly acidic which gives it a mildly sour taste. Greek yogurt is just yogurt where more of the whey has been strained out. To answer your question, there i...
If other fermented products are acceptable to you: soy sauce, especially tamari Worcestershire sauce fish sauce (nam pla, teuk trey) kombucha lacto-fermented ketchup non-tomato ketchups ch...
I'm a big fan of the Spanish omelette, which is called 'Tortilla de patatas' (potato omelette) in Spanish. To prepare them, one of the first steps is to peel the potatoes and then cut them into sl...
Welcome to the Codidact site for Cooking! We're glad you're here and we're excited to see what you will build. This community is starting "from scratch", without importing Q&A from other site...
I heard that if you have to freeze food, it's better to flash freeze it (given you have the means to do it). I also know that flash freezing (as the name implies) is a method to cool down a given o...
Whenever I make an omelet I have a hard time turning it over to fry it from both sides. I use a plate, cover the pan and turn everything so that, in the best case, the omelet now is on my plate and...
I have some pretty common knives at home that I use for cutting vegetables, fish, meat and everything else that needs cutting. I don't have specific knives for specific kinds of food but rather use...
In the recent years, I noticed a lot of ads for different kind of salts but especially sea salt. For example, in my supermarket there are instant meals "refined with the natural taste of sea salt"....
The biggest difference in flavor is that table salt usually has added iodine and anti-clumping agents. You know, the stuff that lets it keep pouring even when it's raining... Both alter the flavor ...
Corn starch acts like a gelatin when heated, sticking to other food and itself. As your reading seems to suggest, the key is to use cold water to form the starchy paste, making sure it is fully mix...
There's nothing like peeling a pound of ginger root to make one wonder if there's a better way to deal with all the branches and knobby bits. I normally peel ginger with a paring knife; for larger...