Comments on How do I best turn an omelet?
How do I best turn an omelet?
Whenever I make an omelet I have a hard time turning it over to fry it from both sides. I use a plate, cover the pan and turn everything so that, in the best case, the omelet now is on my plate and I can just put it back into the pan with the not fried site facing down.
However, very often the omelet is outright stuck in my pan and I can't seem to get it off. This leads to me making scrambled eggs instead of an omelet (which is not the goal).
I normally preheat the pan to medium heat with some oil. Should I add more oil so that the omelet is floating onto the oil? If I do so, I fear to burn myself with excess oil when turning the omelet. Are there other methods so that I can always enjoy a nice omelet? What are the best ways to turn an omelet?
I had that exactly same problem... And solved it for good buying something that, here in São Paulo, we call "omeleteira" (which would translate to something like "omelet maker").
Its just two frying pans that fit together... So when it's time to turn the omelet, you just fit the other pan on top of the one you are using to cook one side of the omelet, turn the whole set and then let the other side fry on the other pan.

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